eo Launch

2nd March 2023

One thing about working in industrial design that keeps us motivated is the diversity of projects we work on. On any given day our team could be doing creative research for a medical product, detailed design on a wearable, prototype testing on a piece of ruggedised mining equipment or out riding a Fliteboard doing product testing 🙂

This variety fuels our creative minds and allows us to comfortably take on challenging projects in new areas we’re not familiar with. Our team use curiosity to drive a user centred creative process. Every engagement starts with questions, observation and ideation. A strong sense of collaboration with clients, stakeholders, users and other design team members means that the outcomes are considered and (hopefully) on point.

In 2021 we had the opportunity to work with Jaimie Fuller and the eo team to develop the product design language for their new sweet of hi-tech sports products designed to improve human performance.

Our team collaborated with EO’s expert scientific team and other design stakeholders including BBD Perfect Storm, Boost Design and Outerspace Design across a range of products to deliver a wholistic aesthetic language that complimented the new visual identity and likely product range.

The concepts explored a range of different products including a swimming wearable and the EO specific concept variation shown above of the amazing Nurochek concussion detection headset by Headsafe. It is always a pleasure to work with such talented, creative people.

eo Launch