N-Connex Wins IDEA Award

11th December 2017

We are so excited to let you know that N-Connex is a “Top Winner” in the IDSA International Design Excellence Award (IDEA) 2017.

Press Release

N-Connex, designed by NLT Global Digital and Katapult Design, is a Top Winner in the International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) 2017 hosted by the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA). See the gallery. Which 25 designs won Gold and which 52 designs won Silver, will be announced on Aug. 19 at the IDEA Ceremony—open to the public at Rich Theater and followed by a ticketed Gala at High Museum. Through Aug. 11, the public can vote online for the People’s Choice Award winner.

N-Connex won in the Commercial & Industrial Products category.

Tim Haight –  MD Of NLT Global Digital “I could not be more proud of our team in winning this award. Our relationship and joint development with Katapult Design was a massive effort with an even bigger return. Our drive and determination  for the N-Connex product was due to a need in the market for a simple solution with very complex requirements. Well done our teams in Canada and Australia!”

N-Connex delivers a modular user-friendly highly ruggedized network solution specifically developed for the industrial sector. N-Connex is a pre-packaged industrial-standard IT communications and control solution—designed specifically for unforgiving environments. Its modular plug-and-play system is rack mounted in the field for rapid deployment and easy maintenance by non-tradespeople.

“IDSA IDEA 2017 winners demonstrate how designers are able to capture what’s invisible to others and inspire beauty through the smallest of details within the simplest of artifacts,” said IDEA 2017 Jury Chair Owen Foster, IDSA. “Winners go beyond the tangible that we are so accustomed to seeing—to cultivate amazing, holistic ecosystems.”

Foster led more than two dozen, global design experts in judging 20 categories covering products, brands, experiences, strategies and more. Onsite jurying was held in May at the newly-renamed Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation in Dearborn, MI.

Proving design truly is a universal language, IDEA attracted hundreds of entries from 54 countries on six continents. Innovations abound in the latest winners submitted by design firms, corporations, universities and more. The competition drew entries from Australia to Austria, Belarus to Brazil, Chile to China and from countries including Croatia, Estonia, India, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay and Vatican City State.

N-Connex Wins IDEA Award